• Purification equipment for incoming raw water
• Circulation systems for reuse of process water
• Purification plants for process water before emission to recipient
Since industrial production processes often produce contaminated process water, it must be treated in a purification plant. In modern plants, water recovery equipment is always available to reduce or completely eliminate emissions. The standard method of removing heavy metals from industrial process water is metal hydroxide precipitation.
• Purification equipment for incoming raw water
• Circulation systems for reuse of process water
• Purification plants for process water before emission to recipient
Plant for treatment of contaminated rinsing water from the manufacture of stainless steel plate. Hexavalent chromium is reduced to trivalent chromium to enable precipitation as chromium hydroxide in the subsequent treatment process. Sodium bisulphite is used as a reduction agent, the dosage controlled by redox electrodes.
Outgoing water from a conventional purification plant using hydroxide precipitation contains small amounts of residual metals, normally less than 1 mg/litre. Additional purification is required to achieve lower levels and final polishing is performed via sand filtration and selective ion exchange.